As temperature drops, many vegetables need to be planted in greenhouses to withstand the cold temperature. Factors such as temperature, humidity, light intensity in the greenhouse play a key role in the growth of vegetables. The vegetable growth generally requires daytime temperature of 20℃-30℃, and night temperature of 10℃-20℃. If the temperature is lower than 5℃ or higher than 40℃, vegetable growth will be affected. In this case, how to monitor greenhouse temperature and humidity conveniently and quickly?
Freshliance has been dedicated to developing the temperature data loggers over 10 years, to help users remotely control and monitor environmental conditions in real time. We have developed a variety of IOT solutions based on NFC, Bluetooth, Lora, RF, WIFI, and 2G/4G/5G communications, etc.
For the temperature and humidity monitor in greenhouse, our real time temperature and humidity monitoring solutions are available based on BlueTag series data logger and G100-S gateway. It can support up to 20 pieces of configurable Bluetooth loggers. Via our mobile APP or PC platform, users can remotely check real-time temperature and humidity, live change and data history, rather than going to the greenhouse, which is more convenient. Once abnormal case, the users will get SMS or email alarm.